Back To Algo Basics
1 min readJan 31, 2022
A much needed post because I kept struggling to write this down altogether in a single place!
Complete list of topics to revise
- Binary Search
- Stack
- Topological Sort
- Dijsktra
- MST algorithm (Prims and Kruskals)
- Rabin Karp
- Bipartite Graphs
- Union-Find
- Segment Tree/Fenwick Tree
- Flood-Fill
- Tarjan/Kosaraju Algorithm
- Bellman-Ford
- Euler Circuit/Euler Path
- TSP/Bitmask DP
- Catalan Numbers
- Binomial Coefficient
- Graph Cycle Detection
- Permutations/Backtracking
- KnapSack
- Subset Sum
- Coin Change (All variations)
- Edit Dist/Regex
- Kadane
- Game Theory/Min Max Algorithm (cat and mouse)
- Convex Hull
- Stars and Bars
- Robot Problems
- DP Matrix Problems
- Sliding Window
- BST (insert/delete)
- Inorder, Preorder, Postorder tree traversals
- Serialize /Deserialize BST
- Interval Scheduling Problem
- Merge Intervals
- Sorting
- Advanced Binary Search Problems
- Trie
- Floyd Warshall
- Advanced Graph Problems
- Probability
- Trapping rain water / histogram area problem
- NP Complete problems
- Line sweep
Notes (from CP 3 book):
- Graph
- Mathematics
- String processing
- Computational Geometry
- Advanced/Rare topics